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​8-Hour Arm Workout Explained: Achieve Bigger Arms in One Day

​8-Hour Arm Workout Explained: Achieve Bigger Arms in One Day

Posted by Leonard Shemtob on Aug 28, 2024

Building bigger arms in a single day might sound too good to be true, but with the 8-hour arm workout, it’s entirely possible. This intense, focused routine is designed to push your muscles to their limits, giving you noticeable results in just one session.

Whether you are preparing for a special event or just want to try something new, this workout is all about maximizing your gains in a short amount of time. 

Let’s dive into how it works and what you need to know to get the most out of this unique training method.

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Short Summary

  • What It Is: The 8-hour arm workout is an intense training regimen designed to maximize arm muscle growth in just one day.
  • Target Muscles: This workout focuses on maximizing growth in the biceps, triceps, and forearms.
  • Structure: The routine involves multiple short, high-intensity sessions spread over 8 hours, with rest periods in between.
  • Benefits: Expect noticeable muscle growth, improved endurance, and a major pump that lasts beyond the workout.
  • Preparation: Proper nutrition, hydration, and mental focus are essential to successfully complete this challenging workout.
  • Boost your gains: Enhance your results with our top-recommended hormonal muscle-building supplement, Androver, and accelerate your arm-building journey.

What is the 8-Hour Arm Workout?

The 8-hour arm workout is a unique and intense training method created by the late Rich Piana, a well-known bodybuilder. As the name suggests, this workout involves dedicating an entire eight hours to training your arms, specifically targeting the biceps and triceps. The goal is to significantly increase arm size in just one day by performing a high volume of exercises.

During this marathon session, participants engage in various arm exercises, such as curls, tricep extensions, and skull crushers, in a structured format. The workout typically consists of multiple sets and reps, with short breaks for hydration and nutrition. Rich Piana believed that focusing solely on one muscle group for an extended period could shock the muscles into growth, potentially adding up to an inch to arm size in a single session.

While this workout may sound appealing to those looking for quick results, it is essential to note that it is not a typical gym routine and comes with significant physical demands. 

The intensity and duration raise questions about its effectiveness and safety, making it crucial for individuals to consider their fitness levels and goals before attempting such an extreme workout.

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Detailed Breakdown of the 8-Hour Arm Workout

Here’s a step-by-step guide to the original 8-hour arm workout:

  1. Preparation:
    • Rest for two days before starting the workout.
    • Maintain a healthy diet and ensure you get adequate sleep.
    • On the day of the workout, have a nutritious breakfast high in protein and a mix of simple and complex carbohydrates.
    • Allow two hours for digestion before beginning.
  2. Workout Plan:
    • Prepare 16 protein shakes with a combination of simple and complex carbs.
    • Measure your arm size before starting the workout.
    • Perform 16 mini-workouts, spaced 30 minutes apart over 8 hours.
    • Be prepared for increased difficulty around the halfway point.
  3. Post-Workout:
    • After completing the workout, measure your arms again.
    • Enjoy a meal rich in quality protein and carbohydrates.
    • Take an additional two days off to rest and recover.
    • Measure your arms one more time to assess progress.

So let's discuss each session in detail:

1- Preparation Steps for the 8-Hour Arm Workout

To get ready for the 8-hour arm workout, follow these simple steps:

  • Rest Your Body: Take two full days off from working out before starting the program. This gives your body time to recover and be ready for the challenge.
  • Focus on Nutrition: Make sure you’re eating enough protein—about 1.5 grams for every kilogram of your body weight. Also, eat plenty of complex carbohydrates to keep your energy up during the workout.
  • Prepare Protein Shakes: You’ll need to make 16 protein shakes, as Rich Piana suggests having one after each mini-workout. These shakes should include protein, creatine, simple sugars, and carbs to help refuel your muscles.
  • Meal Prep: Make sure to prepare your meals the night before or the morning of the workout, especially if you’re working out at the gym.
  • Enjoy a Big Breakfast: On the morning of the workout, have a hearty breakfast. Good options include scrambled eggs, wholemeal toast, smoked salmon, porridge, and plenty of water.
  • Allow Time for Digestion: After breakfast, wait about 1.5 hours to let your food digest before starting the workout.

2- The Workout Routine

On the day of the workout, start early in the morning. Rich Piana suggests beginning around 10 AM and finishing by 6 PM. Before starting, have a large breakfast an hour or two in advance. This meal should include a balanced mix of protein, carbs, and healthy fats.

Make sure to clear your schedule for the day, as you won’t have time for much else. It’s also a good idea to measure your arm size before and after the workout to see any changes. 

During the workout, you’ll perform 4 sets of 10-15 reps of various arm exercises, including:

Workout A:

  • Barbell Curl - 4x10
  • Skullcrushers - 4x10

Workout B:

  • Hammer Curls - 4x15
  • Single Arm Dumbbell Extensions - 4x15

Rest for one minute between sets and exercises, and drink one of your pre-made protein shakes during each rest period. The workout continues for eight hours with short breaks each hour for meals or bathroom breaks.

3- Post-Workout

After finishing the workout, Rich Piana recommends having a large meal to replenish your energy. This meal should be hearty and nutritious—think along the lines of a large pizza, chicken strips, milkshakes, or a protein-rich dessert. In addition to the meal, take two full days off from training to rest and recover. 

Aim for 12-14 hours of sleep each night to help your muscles repair and grow. Make sure to drink plenty of water during this recovery period to rehydrate and replenish the nutrients your body lost during the workout.

Is the 8-Hour Arm Workout Really Effective?

The 8-hour arm workout is designed to push your muscles to their limits by providing extended, intense exercise over a single day. While it can lead to noticeable muscle pump and temporary size increase, its effectiveness in the long term is debatable.

The intense nature of the workout may result in muscle growth and improved endurance, but it also carries risks like overtraining and potential injury. Most fitness experts recommend regular, balanced workouts with adequate rest for sustainable results.

In summary, while the 8-hour arm workout can produce impressive short-term results, it may not be the best approach for everyone. Consistent, well-rounded training and proper recovery are usually more effective for long-term muscle growth.

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Is the 8-Hour Arm Workout Suitable for Beginners?

The 8 Hour Arm Workout is generally not recommended for beginners. This highly intense routine is designed for experienced lifters with a strong foundation in weightlifting. Beginners may find it difficult to maintain proper form, prevent injuries, and recover effectively from such a demanding workout. 

If you're a beginner, it's best to start with a more gradual approach to building arm strength. Focus on progressive overload, proper form, and adequate rest and recovery to achieve sustainable results. 

In short, stick to beginner-friendly routines until you’re ready for more challenging workouts.

How to Effectively Build Arm Muscle

While the 8-Hour Arm Workout might be a popular but intense approach, there are more sustainable and effective ways to increase arm size.

  • Train arms regularly: Train your arms 1-2 times a week, with 48 hours of rest between sessions.
  • progressive overload: Use progressive overload by gradually increasing weight or reps.
  • Compound Exercises: Include compound exercises like pull-ups and push-ups that also work other muscles.
  • Balanced Diet: Eat a balanced diet with sufficient calories and nutrients.
  • Prioritize rest: Ensure you get enough rest for muscle recovery.

Hormonal Muscle-Building Supplements for Arm Growth

Mandro the Giant Gold Stack

1- Mandro The Giant Stack by Hard Rock Supplements

Mandro The Giant Gold Stack is designed for those looking to build serious muscle mass and strength. Super Mandro’s key ingredient, 1-Andro, converts into 1-Testosterone in the body, known for its powerful anabolic effects without the risk of estrogen conversion. Andro the Giant complements this with its primary ingredient, 4-Andro, which also converts into testosterone, providing a strong boost in muscle growth, strength, and overall performance.

This dynamic duo works synergistically to promote lean muscle gains, enhance strength, and improve overall body composition. The stack is perfect for those looking to maximize their results while maintaining a hard and defined physique.

The stack comes equipped with just about everything you'll need including a cycle support, joint support, and PCT. We would suggest adding an estrogen blocker like Terminate to help prevent estrogen conversion and keep your gains lean and dry!

Key Benefits:

  • Supports significant lean muscle mass gains
  • Boosts strength and power
  • Enhances workout intensity and performance
  • Promotes fat burning and improved muscle definition
  • Reduces water retention for a harder, more defined look
  • Increases vascularity and muscle hardness
  • Improves protein synthesis and muscle recovery

Key Ingredients:

  • 1-Andro (1-Androsterone)
  • 4-Andro (4-Androsterone)

Customer Reviews

 Best Stack Yet

"I've used this stack a few times and each time I am blown away with the results. 10/10 recommend. If looking to cut I would throw in Androvar as well!"


 Excellent Progress

"I've just finished my first four weeks and starting my second four week stage and could not be more pleased. I've gained significant strength, endurance and recovery compared to my other supplement."


 Holy Mother of Gains!

"Ran this stack for a 6 week cycle and was able to put on about 10 lbs. Not only that, but my abs became more pronounced and my arms had new veins showing that I'd never seen before. Didn't have any harsh side effects luckily and was able to maintain a good portion of my results after completing PCT. Looking forward to my next run!"


Helladrol by Innovative Labs

2- Helladrol by Innovative Labs

Helladrol combines multiple prohormones designed to support massive muscle growth, strength, and definition. With ingredients like 1,4-Andro, 4-andro, and arimistane, it aims to maximize anabolic effects while minimizing side effects such as water retention. Helladrol is engineered to help you push through plateaus, increase muscle mass, and enhance overall performance.

Be sure to pair up Helladrol along with a proper On Cycle Support during the course of using it and follow it up with a strong PCT!

Key Benefits:

  • The perfect all-in-one bulking stack
  • Promotes lean muscle mass gains
  • Enhances muscle hardness
  • Increases strength levels
  • Reduces water retention
  • Improves muscle definition

Key Ingredients:

  • 4-Andro (4-Androsterone)
  • 1,4-Andro (Precursor to EQ)
  • Arimistane

Customer Reviews

 So Far Really Good

“I’m 2 weeks into my cycle and already seeing gains...strength has gone up plus endurance and doing the carnivore diet with this cycle and really feel strong!”



“I stacked this with Super Mandro, and Androvar. I’ve gained 17lbs so far. I’m on my second week of an 8 week cycle of all three supplements. My muscles are hard and full, along with a good diet, daily crunches, and cardio 2 days a week, helped tighten up my abdominal area...”


 Did The Job

“I brought two bottles because I ran it for the whole month 30 days gain a good sold 10lbs of muscle afterwards ran the pct 3x with lean extreme and some D aspartic acid an I kept my gains..."

-Tunde S.

Read More About Helladrol Here:

The Ultimate Guide to Helladrol by Innovative Labs

Natural Muscle-Building Supplements to Boost Arm Strength

1- AnaFuse by Vital Alchemy

AnaFuse by Vital Alchemy

Anafuse is designed to support muscle growth and help maintain muscle gains. It combines newly discovered anabolic ingredients to enhance muscle-building effects without unwanted side effects. 

This supplement aims to help you add lean, hard muscle mass with a comprehensive formula that addresses key factors for muscle development.

Key Benefits

  • It boosts mass gains.
  • It helps reduce your body fat.
  • It enhances your muscle hardness.
  • It improves muscle endurance.
  • It improves your pumps.
  • It boosts your strength.
  • It reduces muscle soreness.
  • It speeds up muscle recovery.

Key Ingredients

  • Epicatechin
  • Ajuga Turkestanica
  • HICA
  • Eriobotrya Japonica
  • Vitamin D3
  • Quercetin

Customer Reviews

 Stuff works great

“I have noticed being much leaner and just look toned since taking it..”

-Gary B.

 Great Stuff

“This is by far the most complete natural muscle builder on the market. You get great strength gains and fast recovery on this stuff. I will be buying again!”

-Jay B.

 My experience using Anafuse

“I love this stuff. Afer 3 weeks it kicked in and the amount of work I can do in a workout with this stuff is amazing, plus there is no delayed onset muscle soreness. I will definitely use it again.”


2- AlphaBulk by Olympus Labs

AlphaBulk by Olympus Labs

AlphaBulk is designed to support significant muscle growth while promoting fat loss. This supplement features two key ingredients: α-Cedrene and α-Ionone.

  • α-Cedrene: This unique anabolic agent has been shown to help increase muscle mass and strength while aiding in fat loss.
  • α-Ionone: Available in its most effective liquid form, α-Ionone promotes muscle protein synthesis, reduces muscle breakdown, and assists in fat metabolism.

AlphaBulk uses advanced Liquigel capsules to enhance the delivery and effectiveness of its ingredients.

Key Benefits

  • It boosts anabolic signaling.
  • It increases lean muscle growth.
  • It supports your strength.
  • It improves myogenesis.
  • It enahnces your lipolysis.
  • It improves exercise performance.
  • It speeds up your muscle recovery.

Key Ingredients

  • α-Cedrene
  • α-Ionone
  • Tectochrysin PhytoFUSE
  • Urolithin B

Customer Reviews

 Quality supplement

“I’m using this a in my pct and it’s been 3 weeks and I haven’t lost any weight.”


 Stellar Pumps and Vascularity!

“About 3 weeks in and man the pumps in the gym are incredible. Feel like Alphabulk really is starting to bring out my physique. Noticing it feels better when I am in a caloric surplus. Also I am just now seeing the strength increases. Each week the weight and reps are going up on my bench and squat. Excited to see how 8 weeks treats me.”

-Tony H.

 Alpha Bulk

“I recently purchased Alpha Bulk two weeks ago and all I can say is WOW!!!! The only up downside about the pills are the taste, I’m taking 3 pills daily on an empty stomach. I like to train that way. They give me more endurance and can get out an extra rep or two before failure. No size yet, I’m only two weeks in. I ordered 2 bottles to run so I’m hoping to get a bit vascular full size.”

-LaMichael W.

FAQs: Rich Piana's 8-Hour Arm Workout

Q: What is the 8-Hour Arm Workout?

A: The 8-hour arm workout is an intensive training session designed to focus on arm muscles for an entire day. It involves performing various arm exercises in multiple mini-workout sessions spread across 8 hours, with short breaks in between.

Q: Who made the 8-Hour Arm Workout?

A: The 8-hour arm workout was created by Rich Piana, a well-known bodybuilder and entrepreneur who founded the supplement company 5% Nutrition.

Q: Is the 8-Hour Arm Workout suitable for beginners?

A: No, the 8-Hour Arm Workout is not recommended for beginners. It's a highly intense routine designed for experienced lifters with a strong foundation in weightlifting.

Q: What exercises are included in the 8-Hour Arm Workout?

A: The workout includes exercises such as Skull Crushers, Barbell Curls, Single Arm Dumbbell Extensions, and Barbell/Dumbbell Hammer Curls.

Q: How often should I do the 8-hour Arm Workout?

A: This workout is very intense and should not be done frequently. It is designed as a rare, high-intensity session rather than a regular part of your training routine.

Q: Does the 8-hour arm workout work?

A: Many people report experiencing significant muscle pump and temporary size increase after completing the workout. However, results can vary, and much of the size increase is likely due to muscle swelling rather than permanent growth. Long-term muscle gains typically require consistent training and proper nutrition.

Q: How to do the 8-Hour Arm Workout?

A: To do the 8-hour arm Workout, perform 16 mini-workouts of arm exercises throughout an eight-hour period. Include exercises like skull crushers and barbell curls, and take short breaks for meals and rest.

Q: What are Rich Piana's 8-Hour Arm Workout results?

A: Rich Piana claimed that participants could see up to an inch of arm growth within 24 hours after completing the workout. While some individuals have reported similar results, it's important to note that these gains may be temporary and influenced by factors like muscle pump and inflammation.

Final Thoughts

The 8-hour arm workout is an intense training session designed to boost muscle size and strength in a single day. While it can lead to noticeable short-term results, such as a significant muscle pump and temporary size increase, it may not be the best approach for long-term muscle growth.

Beginners should avoid this workout due to its demanding nature. Instead, start with regular, shorter workouts and gradually increase intensity as you gain experience. 

If you decide to try the 8-hour arm workout, make sure to prepare properly, stay hydrated, and listen to your body. Remember that consistent training and a balanced diet are key to achieving long-term muscle growth. 

Always consult with a healthcare expert before starting any new workout or supplement regimen to ensure it’s right for you. 


Written and Sponsored by Leonard Shemtob

Leonard Shemtob is President of Strong Supplements and a published author. Leonard has been in the supplement space for over 20 years, specializing in fitness supplements and nutrition. Leonard appears on many podcasts, written over 100 articles about supplements and has studied nutrition, supplementation and bodybuilding. 

Leonard's articles have been published in many top publications around the web. Leonard enjoys weight training, playing basketball and yoga, and also enjoys hiking. In his free time he studies and works on improving himself. For more detailed information, visit his official blog.