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​Kettlebell Around the World Workout: Benefits, Techniques, and Tips

​Kettlebell Around the World Workout: Benefits, Techniques, and Tips

Posted by Leonard Shemtob on Aug 29, 2024

The Kettlebell Around the World workout is an effective exercise that enhances strength, coordination, and stability. This move involves swinging a kettlebell around your body in a circular motion, which targets multiple muscle groups and improves your coordination.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to perform the Kettlebell Around the World workout, explore its benefits, and offer tips to get the most out of this effective exercise. 

Let’s dive in and discover how you can make the most of this powerful exercise!

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Short Summary

  • Exercise Overview: The Kettlebell Around the World workout involves moving a kettlebell around your body in a circular motion to engage multiple muscle groups.
  • Benefits: This exercise improves strength, coordination, and balance, making it a great addition to any fitness routine.
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Detailed guide on how to perform the kettlebell around the world workout correctly to maximize its benefits and avoid injuries.
  • Tips: Discover helpful tips to ensure you get the most out of your workout and avoid common mistakes.
  • Ready to start your kettlebell workout? Check out our top pre-workout supplement, Wild Thing, to promote your fitness journey and maximize your results.

What Is The Kettlebell Around The World?

The kettlebell around the world, also known as a hip halo, is a dynamic full-body exercise that involves rotating a kettlebell around your body in a circular motion while switching hands in the front and back. 

This exercise helps to engage various muscle groups, including your core, shoulders, and arms. It helps to work your core, shoulders, and grip strength. It is also great for building strength and improving coordination.

How To Do the Kettlebell Around the World

Performing the Kettlebell Around the World exercise is straightforward. Here’s how to do it:

  • Get into Position: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a kettlebell with both hands in front of you. Keep your back straight and your core engaged.
  • Movement: Begin rotating the kettlebell around your body in a circular motion. You can choose to move either clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • Hand Switch: As the kettlebell passes in front of your body, switch it to your opposite hand (from right to left hand). When the kettlebell passes behind your back, switch it back to the original hand.
  • Return to Starting Position: Once the kettlebell has completed the full circle, bring it back to the starting position in front of you.
  • Control: Maintain a slow and controlled movement throughout the exercise. The kettlebell should not touch your body at any point, and you should avoid using momentum to sway your body.
  • Arm Position: Keep your arms straight during the entire movement to engage your stabilizer muscles effectively.
  • Repetition and Form: Perform the desired number of repetitions, usually 10-15 per side. Ensure that you switch directions to work both sides of your body evenly.

Muscles Engaged in the Kettlebell Around the World Workout

The kettlebell around the world workout engages several muscles throughout your body. Here's a breakdown of the major muscles involved:

Upper Body Muscles

  • Deltoids: These shoulder muscles are heavily engaged as you lift and rotate the kettlebell.
  • Triceps: The back of your arms works to stabilize and control the kettlebell during the movement.
  • Lats: The latissimus dorsi muscles in your back help support your shoulders and maintain proper posture.
  • Wrist flexors are muscles that help you bend your wrist and grip objects

Core Muscles

  • Rectus Abdominis: This is the main muscle responsible for the "six-pack" look and is heavily engaged during the movement to stabilize your torso.
  • Obliques: Located on the sides of the abdomen, these muscles are crucial for rotational movement and stability.
  • Transversus Abdominis: This deep core muscle helps protect your spine and maintain overall core strength.

Lower Body Muscles

  • Quadriceps: The muscles at the front of your thighs help stabilize your legs during the movement.
  • Hamstrings: Located at the back of your thighs, these muscles assist in maintaining balance.
  • Glutes: Your glute muscles are engaged to support your hips and stabilize your lower body.
  • Hip Flexors: These muscles work to control the movement of your legs and hips during the exercise.

Benefits of the Around the World

  • Full-Body Workout: This exercise engages many muscles at once, including your core, arms, shoulders, and legs. It helps you build strength throughout your entire body.
  • Improved Core Strength: As you perform the movement, your core muscles work hard to stabilize your body. This helps build a stronger, more resilient core.
  • Better Grip Strength: Holding and rotating the kettlebell challenges your grip strength. Over time, this can enhance your overall grip, which is beneficial for other exercises and daily life activities.
  • Enhanced Coordination and Balance: The movement requires coordination between your upper and lower body. Practicing the kettlebell around the world can improve your eye-hand coordination and overall balance.
  • Increased Flexibility: The circular motion of the kettlebell helps improve flexibility in your shoulders, hips, and spine. This can result in a better range of motion and reduced risk of injury.

Tips for the Around the World Workout

Here are some helpful tips to get the most out of your Kettlebell Around the World workout:

Start with a Light Kettlebell: If you're new to this exercise, begin with a lighter kettlebell (8-12 kg) to focus on proper form and technique. As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the weight.

Engage Your Core: Maintain a tight core throughout the training to stabilize the body and prevent excessive arching or leaning. You engage all major core muscles—rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques—by controlling the kettlebell's path and momentum while maintaining good posture.

Use Smooth Movements: Swing the kettlebell in a steady, controlled manner. Avoid rapid or jerky movements, which can cause imbalance or injury.

Keep Your Posture Upright: Stand tall with your shoulders back and chest up. Avoid rounding your back or leaning to the side as you rotate the kettlebell.

Focus on Your Grip: Ensure you have a firm grip on the kettlebell to maintain stability and control during the exercise.

Keep the Arms Straight: Maintain straight arms throughout the exercise to ensure proper form and effectively engage your shoulder and core muscles.

What Weight Kettlebell Should I Use?

The ideal kettlebell weight for the Around the World Exercise depends on your fitness level and experience. Here's a general guideline to help you choose the right weight:


  • Women: Start with a kettlebell weighing between 4 to 8 kilograms (9 to 18 pounds).
  • Men: Start with a kettlebell weighing between 6 to 9 kilograms (12 to 20 pounds).

Intermediate Lifters

If you have some experience with kettlebell exercises, you can use a heavier kettlebell:

  • Women: 8 to 12 kilograms (18 to 26 pounds).
  • Men: 12 to 16 kilograms (26 to 35 pounds).

Advanced Lifters

For those who are very experienced and strong, you can use heavier weights:

  • Women: 12 to 16 kilograms (26 to 35 pounds) or more.
  • Men: 16 to 24 kilograms (35 to 53 pounds) or more.

Dumbbell Around the World Workout: A Variation to Consider

The Dumbbell Around the World is a unique exercise that primarily targets the outer chest and shoulders. You can include Around the Worlds at the beginning of your chest workout as a warm-up or at the end as a finishing move. 

The exercise involves moving the dumbbell in a circular path, which is best performed with light weights and high repetitions.

How to Do the Dumbbell Around the World Workout

  • Starting Position: Lie on a mat with a dumbbell in each hand, arms at your sides, and your palms facing the ceiling.
  • Movement: Pull your arms away from your body in a semi-circular motion, bringing the dumbbells over your head.
  • Return: Reverse the motion to return to the starting position, then repeat.

Proper Form

Begin with your chest up, shoulders back, and arms by your sides, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Keep your arms parallel to the floor throughout the exercise. Inhale as you lift the dumbbells over your head, and exhale as you return to the starting position.

Top Pre-Workout Supplements to Boost Around the World Workout

1- Wild Thing by Assault Labs

Wild Thing by Assault Labs

Wild Thing is a pre-workout designed to support your workouts. It contains amino acids, creatine, and other nutrients that help nourish your muscles during exercise. This product includes various nootropics that may enhance focus and energy levels, potentially improving your workout experience. 

It aims to promote better muscle pumps and vascularity. Wild Thing features a unique caffeine blend, which provides an initial boost of energy followed by a gradual release to sustain your energy throughout your workout.

Key Benefits

  • It increases your energy levels.
  • It helps enhance your focus.
  • It boosts your strength.
  • It improves your muscle pumps.
  • It improves your mood and overall cognitive function.
  • It reduces muscle fatigue.
  • It accelerates your muscle recovery.

Key Ingredients

  • DiCitrulline Malate/Infinergy®
  • Beta-Alanine
  • Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline
  • Agmatine Sulfate
  • Creatine Anhydrous
  • L­-Glutamine
  • Choline Bitartrate
  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • L­-Tyrosine
  • L-Norvaline
  • ZumXR®
  • Huperzine A
  • Infinergy®
  • Cocoabuterol®
  • Thinkamine®

Customer Reviews

 Weight are on full focus

“Single scoop is good, focus and keeps you going. 2 scoops? OMG insane focus. I never lost mind/body connection because/IF it was too much! Max rep EVERY time !”

-Juan G.

 Wild Thing

“Good flavor and great energy boost.”

-Paige T.

 A nice HIT

“It’s awesome!! I get a super nice focus and helps me maximize my sets & reps”

-Juan G.

2- Seismic Surge by Hard Rock Supplements

Seismic Surge by Hard Rock Supplements

Seismic Surge is a powerful pre-workout designed for intense training. It combines the latest advancements in strength, stamina, and energy to push your workouts to the next level. 

Formulated for serious fitness enthusiasts, Seismic Surge delivers a surge of energy to help you break through plateaus and achieve impressive results.

Key Benefits

  • It increases your energy levels.
  • It enhances your muscle pumps.
  • It boosts your muscle endurance.
  • It improves your mood.
  • It enhances your focus and overall concentration.
  • It increases your metabolism.
  • It helps improve your strength.
  • It speeds up your muscle recovery.

Key Ingredients

  • Beta-Alanine
  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • Alpha Yohimbine Hydrochloride
  • 1,3,7 Trimethylxanthine (Delayed Caffeine)
  • Theobromine
  • Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
  • L-Citrulline Malate 2:1

Customer Reviews

 Great Product

“Seismic Surge best pre workout I have taking in last 30 years.”



“This stuff works better than advertised”



“If you're numb to pre-workout and you refuse to take a break from it, then give this one a try. Works very well.”


3- Oracle by Olympus Labs

Oracle by Olympus Labs

Oracle is a pre-workout supplement designed to enhance focus, endurance, muscle pump, and energy during workouts. It features innovative ingredients such as genistein, a potent MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor), and ligustrazine phosphate. 

This formulation aims to provide enhanced levels of focus, endurance, muscle pump, and energy, helping users maximize their workout potential.

Key Benefits

  • It enhances your Tabata performance.
  • It enhances your endurance.
  • It reduces your fatigue.
  • It boosts your strength.
  • It improves your cognitive functions.
  • It increases your energy levels.
  • It helps improve your mood and focus.

Key Ingredients

Customer Reviews

 oh yea!

“very good, lots of energy, was able to do more reps on all my sets and felt great doing it too. recovery was quicker too and taste was light and nice. Im an oracle guy now lol”

-Richie M.

 Great product

“Does everything I need, focus , energy, pump and endurance. Thank you big difference from other products I tried.”

-Ramon G.

 amazing focus

“its a great product and focus is good during workout, just one thing keep yourself hydrated as it dries your throat a lot, but great endurance and focus good pump as well.”


4- Alpha Lion SuperHuman Extreme

Alpha Lion SuperHuman Extreme

Alpha Lion Super Human Extreme is a powerful pre-workout supplement designed to enhance focus, energy, and muscle pumps. This formula is an upgraded version of the original, providing a stronger effect without the crash, thanks to its anti-crash matrix.

Key Benefits

  • It provides an extreme energy boost with zero crashes.
  • It enhances your muscle pumps.
  • It improves your endurance.
  • It boosts your focus and alertness.
  • It enhances your strength.
  • It reduces body fat.

Key Ingredients

  • Dual Sourced Caffeine
  • Beta-Alanine
  • S7
  • L-Taurine
  • L-Citrulline Malate
  • Betaine Anhydrous
  • Yohimbine HCl
  • Alpha Yohimbine
  • N, N-Dimethylphenethylamine Citrate

5- Wrecked Pre-Workout by Huge Supplements

Wrecked Pre Workout by Huge Supplements

Wrecked pre-workout is designed to boost your performance with its powerful 17-ingredient formula. It provides a significant energy boost, intense focus, and enhanced muscle pumps to help you achieve better results and improve endurance.

Key Benefits

  • It enhances your energy levels.
  • It improves your focus.
  • It boosts your endurance.
  • It helps increase your pumps.
  • It promotes your strength.

Key Ingredients

Customer Reviews

 Get Huge be Huge Stay Huge

“I take it first thing upon waking before my workout when I’m on night shift. Shakes off the cobwebs and gives me a laser focus to maximize the reps and sets. Great taste and mixes just fine. Definitely recommended”

-Josh L.

 Insane pumps, energy, focus, and motivation!

“Started out with a heaping scoop to feel it out and holy moly... this stuff hits hard! Slowly working my way up to 2 scoops but even at 1 scoop this is by far one of the strongest preworkouts I've ever tried. Everything from the formula down to the flavoring ticks all the right boxes for me. Definitely my new favorite pre!”


FAQs: Around the World Workout

Q: What is the kettlebell Around the World Workout?

A: The Kettlebell Around the World Workout is an exercise where you swing a kettlebell in a circular motion around your body. It targets your core, shoulders, and arms, improving coordination and strength.

Q: Are Kettlebell Around the Worlds really effective?

A: Yes, Kettlebell Around the Worlds is effective for building core strength, stability, and coordination. The circular motion engages multiple muscle groups, including the core, shoulders, and arms, promoting muscle endurance and improving overall fitness. This exercise also enhances grip strength and can help prevent injuries by improving shoulder mobility and joint stability.

Q: Can beginners do the Around the World Exercise?

A: Yes, beginners can do both the Kettlebell and Dumbbell Around the World exercises. It's recommended to begin with a lighter weight and focus on proper form.

Q: How often should I do this exercise?

A: Incorporate this exercise into your workout routine 2-3 times per week for optimal results.

Q: Can I use other weights for the Around the World Exercise?

A: Yes, while a kettlebell is ideal, you can also use a single dumbbell, weight plate, or medicine ball for the exercise.

Q: How can I make the Around the World Exercise more challenging?

A: You can increase the challenge by incorporating tempo training (slowing down the movement) or by adding more sets and repetitions to your workout.

Final Thoughts

The Kettlebell Around the World exercise is an effective way to significantly enhance your strength, stability, and coordination. This full-body workout engages multiple muscle groups, including the core, shoulders, arms, and legs. 

Focus on using the right weight and maintaining good form to get the most out of this exercise. Incorporating it into your routine can help diversify your workouts and promote your overall fitness goals.


Written and Sponsored by Leonard Shemtob

Leonard Shemtob is President of Strong Supplements and a published author. Leonard has been in the supplement space for over 20 years, specializing in fitness supplements and nutrition. Leonard appears on many podcasts, written over 100 articles about supplements and has studied nutrition, supplementation and bodybuilding. 

Leonard's articles have been published in many top publications around the web. Leonard enjoys weight training, playing basketball and yoga, and also enjoys hiking. In his free time he studies and works on improving himself. For more detailed information, visit his official blog.