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​Does Boxing Build Muscle? The Surprising Truth

​Does Boxing Build Muscle? The Surprising Truth

Posted by Leonard Shemtob on Sep 17, 2024

Boxing, a sport known for its intensity and physical demands, has long been a popular choice for athletes seeking strength and endurance. While it's often associated with cardiovascular benefits and agility, many wonder if boxing can also be an effective way to build muscle.

In this article, we'll explore the potential of boxing for muscle growth. We'll delve into the specific exercises and techniques involved in boxing training, and discuss how they contribute to muscle development.

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Short Summary

  • Boxing engages multiple muscle groups – It works your arms, shoulders, core, and legs during training.
  • Muscle toning vs. muscle building – While boxing tones muscles, it may not promote significant muscle mass like weightlifting.
  • High-intensity cardio – Boxing improves endurance and burns fat, which can reveal muscle definition.
  • Supplementary strength training – For serious muscle growth, combining boxing with weightlifting can enhance results.
  • If you're starting your muscle-building journey, consider adding supplements like Anafuse to support your goals and maximize results.

Does Boxing Build Muscle: Short Answer

Yes, boxing does build muscle! When you box, you engage many different muscles in your body. The movements involved in punching, footwork, and defensive techniques work your arms, shoulders, core, and legs. This full-body workout helps you develop lean muscle and improve your strength.

While boxing can help build and tone muscles, but it's not the most effective way to gain significant muscle mass. During boxing, you engage in various muscle groups, which can result in an increased muscle definition and strength.

It works your entire body, targeting key muscles like your arms, shoulders, and core. While it enhances endurance and can lead to lean muscle development, it's not the best choice if your main goal is to bulk up. Combining boxing with strength training can give you the best results for muscle growth.

Muscles You Need for Boxing

Boxing is a demanding sport that requires strength and endurance from multiple muscle groups. Here’s a look at the key muscles you need for boxing:

Upper Body

  • Shoulders: The deltoids play a vital role in punching power and shoulder stability.
  • Arms: Biceps, triceps, and forearms are essential for generating punching force and controlling your punches.
  • Chest: The pectoralis major and minor contribute to punching power and upper body strength.

Core Muscles

  • Abdominals: A strong core is vital for balance, stability, and generating power in your punches. It also protects your lower back during intense movements.
  • Obliques: These muscles help with rotational movements, allowing you to twist your body effectively when throwing hooks or uppercuts.

Lower Body Muscles

  • Legs (Quadriceps and Hamstrings): Strong legs provide the foundation for movement, allowing you to pivot, duck, and advance quickly in the ring.
  • Calves: Well-developed calf muscles support agility and help you maintain balance while moving.

Back Muscles

  • Latissimus Dorsi: These muscles assist in pulling movements and contribute to the power of your punches.
  • Trapezius: A strong upper back helps stabilize your shoulders and improve posture, which is essential for effective punching techniques.

Benefits of Boxing for Muscle Development

Boxing offers several benefits for muscle development:

  • Full-body Workout: Boxing exercises engage multiple muscle groups, providing a comprehensive workout for overall muscle development.
  • Strength and Power: The explosive movements involved in boxing help build strength and power in your arms, legs, and core.
  • Improved Muscle Tone: The high-intensity nature of boxing helps tone your muscles without adding bulk. As you train regularly, you’ll notice a more defined physique and increased muscle endurance.
  • Boosts Endurance: Boxing workouts often involve intense, sustained activity that improves muscle endurance. This means your muscles can work harder and longer without getting tired.
  • Improved Coordination and Balance: Boxing improves your coordination and balance, which are essential for effective movement and technique.
  • Reduced Body Fat: The intense nature of boxing workouts can help you burn calories and decrease body fat, contributing to a leaner physique.
  • Enhanced Core Stability: A strong core is essential in boxing. As you work on your punches and footwork, you engage your abdominal muscles and obliques, leading to better balance and stability.
  • Enhanced Cardiovascular Health: Boxing is a great way to boost your cardiovascular health, as it elevates your heart rate and increases blood flow.

Exercises to Gain Muscle Mass While Boxing

To build muscle mass while boxing, include these exercises in your routine:

Heavy Bag Punches: Throwing powerful punches at a heavy bag helps build upper body strength, especially in your arms, shoulders, and chest. These punching bag workouts not only improve your lean muscle mass but also boost your muscular endurance.

Shadow Boxing: Practice your punches and footwork in front of a mirror. This exercise improves technique and engages multiple muscle groups, enhancing muscle definition.

Push-Ups: A great way to strengthen your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Adjust the angle of your hands to target different muscle areas.

Bodyweight Squats: Strengthen your legs and core. Squats improve lower body power, which is crucial for movement and stability in boxing.

Planks: Build core strength and endurance. A strong core is essential for balance and effective punching.

Ballistic Exercises: Ballistic movements involve explosive actions that improve power and speed. Exercises like medicine ball throws or kettlebell swings help develop fast-twitch muscle fibers, enhancing overall punching power.

Plyometrics: Jumping drills, such as box jumps or burpees, increase explosive strength and overall power, benefiting your boxing performance.

Occlusion Training: Occlusion involves restricting blood flow to the muscles during exercise, which can enhance muscle growth even with lighter weights. Using occlusion bands during exercises like leg extensions or bicep curls can lead to increased muscle hypertrophy without heavy lifting.

Boxing vs. Weightlifting for Muscle Building

When it comes to building muscle, both boxing and weightlifting have their unique benefits. Here’s a comparison to help you understand how each can contribute to your fitness goals:

  • Boxing: Boxing is great for toning muscles and improving endurance. It engages multiple muscle groups, especially your arms, shoulders, core, and legs, but it focuses more on lean muscle and muscle definition rather than large muscle mass. It also offers cardiovascular benefits, helping you burn fat and stay fit.
  • Weightlifting: Weightlifting is more effective for building bigger muscles. It focuses on resistance training, which targets specific muscle groups and promotes muscle hypertrophy (growth). If your goal is to increase muscle mass quickly, lifting weights is generally more effective.

In short, boxing helps with muscle tone, strength, and endurance, while weightlifting is better for building larger muscles. Combining both can give you a well-rounded fitness routine and muscle development.

So How Can You Build Muscle Effectively?

Building muscle effectively requires a combination of proper training, nutrition, and recovery. Here are some key strategies to help you maximize your muscle growth:

Strength Training: Incorporating weightlifting or resistance exercises is key for muscle growth. Lifting heavier weights and gradually increasing the load over time helps promote muscle hypertrophy.

Focus on Compound Exercises: Incorporate compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses into your workouts. These movements engage multiple muscle groups, allowing you to build strength more efficiently.

Progressive Overload: Continuously challenging your muscles by increasing the weight, reps, or intensity of your training will encourage muscle growth.

Proper Nutrition: Eating enough protein and calories is essential for muscle repair and growth. Make sure your diet includes foods that fuel muscle recovery, such as lean meats, eggs, and plant-based proteins.

Rest and Recovery: Your muscles need time to recover and grow after intense workouts. Make sure to get enough rest and sleep to allow your muscles to rebuild.

Consistency: Sticking to a regular training routine and gradually increasing the intensity will help you see consistent muscle growth over time.

Consider Supplements: Supplements can enhance your strength and power, making it easier to push harder during workouts. However, always research and choose supplements wisely.

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Supplements for Muscle Building in Boxing

1- AnaFuse by Vital Alchemy

AnaFuse by Vital Alchemy

Anafuse is a dual-agent bulking stack designed to support muscle growth and retention. This supplement combines a blend of recently discovered anabolics to create a formula that aims to enhance muscle-building potential without significant side effects.

The ingredients in Anafuse are formulated to help push muscles beyond their limits by improving the body’s ability to resist fatigue, which may lead to increases in muscle endurance and exercise capacity. It also works by inhibiting myostatin, a protein that can limit muscle growth, potentially allowing for greater gains.

Key Benefits

  • It enhances your mass gains.
  • It helps reduce your body fat.
  • It boosts your muscle hardness.
  • It increases muscle endurance.
  • It improves your pumps.
  • It boosts your strength.
  • It reduces muscle soreness.
  • It speeds up your muscle recovery.

Key Ingredients

  • Epicatechin
  • Ajuga Turkestanica
  • HICA
  • Eriobotrya Japonica
  • Vitamin D3
  • Quercetin

Customer Reviews


“This stuff is top notch. I’ve used it a few times now and saw results every time. A clean diet, a solid plan and anafuse will definitely elevate your gains vs not taking it.”


 Awesome Stuff

“This is one of the best supplements ever. It has helped me recover faster and I have more strength as well as more endurance during my workouts. All this in just two weeks so I can’t wait to finish the bottle. The results will be amazing since we are off to a great start.”

-Jean B.


“If you want that extra edge on top of your pre-workout than this is the product for you! This in conjunction with a pre-workout increases your mental focus and strength. You will feel like you can be in the gym all day!”


2- AlphaBulk by Olympus Labs

AlphaBulk by Olympus Labs

AlphaBulk is a supplement designed to enhance lean muscle mass and support fat loss. It features α-Cedrene, an anabolic agent shown to improve muscle mass and strength while aiding in fat reduction. 

In addition to α-Cedrene, AlphaBulk includes α-Ionone in its liquid form, which helps boost muscle protein synthesis and acts as an anti-catabolic and fat-burning agent. The supplement uses Liquigel capsules for effective delivery, ensuring that you receive the full benefit of the ingredients.

Key Benefits

  • It enhances anabolic signaling.
  • It increases lean muscle growth.
  • It helps increase your strength.
  • It enhances myogenesis.
  • It improves your lipolysis.
  • It enhances exercise performance.
  • It accelerates your muscle recovery.

Key Ingredients

  • α-Cedrene
  • α-Ionone
  • Tectochrysin PhytoFUSE
  • Urolithin B

Customer Reviews

 Quality supplement

“I’m using this a in my pct and it’s been 3 weeks and I haven’t lost any weight.”


 Stellar Pumps and Vascularity!

“About 3 weeks in and man the pumps in the gym are incredible. Feel like Alphabulk really is starting to bring out my physique. Noticing it feels better when I am in a caloric surplus. Also I am just now seeing the strength increases. Each week the weight and reps are going up on my bench and squat. Excited to see how 8 weeks treats me.”

-Tony H.

 Alpha Bulk

“I recently purchased Alpha Bulk two weeks ago and all I can say is WOW!!!! The only up downside about the pills are the taste, I’m taking 3 pills daily on an empty stomach. I like to train that way. They give me more endurance and can get out an extra rep or two before failure. No size yet, I’m only two weeks in. I ordered 2 bottles to run so I’m hoping to get a bit vascular full size.”

-LaMichael W.

3- Androvar™ by Hard Rock Supplements

Androvar™ by Hard Rock Supplements

Androvar™ is designed to support muscle growth and strength. It contains Epiandrosterone, which converts to Stanolone in the body. Stanolone is considered more potent than testosterone and aims to provide lean, hard muscle gains. 

Epiandrosterone does not convert to estrogen, which may help reduce body fat, water retention, and the risk of gynecomastia. It also promotes muscle density and strength for more defined and solid muscles.

Key Benefits

  • It supports the increase in lean mass.
  • It aids in boosting strength.
  • It improves intensity during workouts.
  • It increases fat burning.
  • It helps improve muscle definition.
  • It helps reduce water retention.
  • It improves vascularity.
  • It helps in enhancing muscle hardness.
  • It helps improve the sense of well-being.
  • It helps increase muscle pumps.
  • It increases protein synthesis.

Key Ingredients

Customer Reviews

 Great Muscle ******

“Awesome product, I have not found a better Pro hormone on the market . Gained 10 pounds of muscle in 2 months. Still his pro hormone will make your muscle rock hard not just put a bunch of water in them !! Awesome supplement !!”

-Gregory W.

 Great Product.

“Hands down one of the best if not the best epiandro supplements I have ever used in a long time. Beast Mode!!!”


 Great Product!

“I've been ordering products from strong supplement shop for a couple years and this is my favorite go to bulking supp.”


4- Colossal Muscle by Hard Rock Supplements

Colossal Muscle by Hard Rock Supplements

Colossal Muscle is a muscle-building supplement featuring two key ingredients that are claimed to promote muscle growth, strength, and endurance. One of these ingredients was studied in a 10-week trial and showed promising results for increasing muscle mass and strength.

Key Benefits

  • It supports muscle building.
  • It improves protein synthesis.
  • It enhances muscle mass.
  • It boosts endurance.
  • It supports your strength and power.
  • It increases fat loss.
  • It prevents muscle breakdown.
  • It helps boost your focus.
  • It helps improve your overall performance.

Key ingredients

  • 20-Hydroxyecdysone
  • Uzbekistan Ajuga Turkestanica

Customer Reviews

 On second bottle

“First bottle was great - took a little to see the resutlts but then they hit and you are like yes im loving it! just started my second bottle - thanks!”


 Great Product!

“3 Weeks in my first bottle stacking with Youth GH . I weighed 225 lbs down 214 Lbs . Normal eating routine . Lossed fat gained *********** and increased strength and stamina. Went up 20 pounds on

my max on just about everything .”


 Quality product

“So i have almost finished my first bottle of this stuff and I can honestly say that it does work. I have noticed some size increase but what I have definitely noticed the most is strength increase. I recommend this product and I will definitely be using it again.”


5- SNS Pepti Plex

SNS Pepti Plex

Pepti-Plex is a muscle-building peptide supplement formulated to support muscle growth, improve endurance, and accelerate recovery. This product combines several key ingredients that work together to enhance muscle-building potential. 

The formula includes PeptiStrong, a natural anabolic peptide designed to promote lean muscle gains and improve overall body composition. Pepti-Plex also features ingredients that may enhance protein synthesis and support muscle retention during weight loss.

Key Benefits

  • It increases your protein synthesis.
  • It enhances your blood flow and oxygen delivery.
  • It boosts nutrient absoption.
  • It improves your endurance and overall performance.
  • It helps reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.
  • It helps reduce muscle breakdown.

Key Ingredients

  • PeptiStrong
  • VasoFLO+
  • Apigenin
  • Senactiv
  • AstraGin
  • Bioperine

Customer Reviews

 2 weeks in and absolutely loving the gains

“About 3 weeks in so far and I'm already noticing more fullness to my muscles, better pumps, more vascularity, and improvements in strength. This stuff works incredibly well for being completely natural. Its almost like running a cycle of PHs but without any of the euphoric effects that the PHs provide. It just simply WORKS. No side effects whatsoever so far. Another positive that I noticed is that I don't feel as sore or achy the day after hard training sessions. Currently taking 4 capsules per day on training days and 2 caps a day on rest days just to stretch out my supply. I'll definitely be using this again in the near future. Very impressed.”

-Trevor G.

One week

“It’s only been a week, but I’m being asked to do this review. No issues or concerns at this time but one positive today’s work out was different, felt stronger, focused and energized. I would love to send second week up date if days like this continue. The 4 stars is just because of the short time to review.”

-Ramon G.

FAQs: Does Boxing Build Muscle

Q: What muscles does boxing build?

A: Boxing builds a variety of muscles, including your arms, legs, core, shoulders, and back. The repetitive movements involved in boxing target these muscle groups, leading to increased strength, power, and lean muscle mass. 

Q: Is boxing a good way to build muscle?

A: Yes, boxing can be an effective way to build muscle. It involves a full-body workout that engages multiple muscle groups, leading to increased strength, power, and lean muscle mass.

Q: Can boxing help me lose weight?

A: Yes, boxing workout is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. The intense nature of the workouts can help you shed pounds while building muscle.

Q. Can I gain muscle with boxing alone?

A: Boxing alone can help improve muscle tone and definition, but it may not provide enough resistance for significant muscle growth. Incorporating strength training alongside boxing can enhance muscle development more effectively.

Q: How long does it take to see results from boxing for muscle building?

A: Results may vary depending on individual factors, but you can start seeing noticeable changes in your muscle mass and strength within a few months of consistent training.

Q: What should I focus on to maximize muscle growth from boxing?

A: To maximize muscle growth, focus on maintaining a consistent boxing routine, incorporating strength training exercises, and following a proper diet. Ensuring adequate rest and recovery is also important for muscle development.


Boxing is a great way to build muscle and improve overall fitness. It helps tone and strengthen your muscles, especially in the arms, shoulders, core, and legs. 

While boxing is excellent for muscle definition and endurance, combining it with weightlifting or other resistance training can enhance muscle growth even more. 

For the best results, include boxing in your regular workout routine, focus on a balanced diet, and consider additional strength training exercises. 

With consistency and the right approach, boxing can play a key role in achieving your muscle-building goals.


Written and Sponsored by Leonard Shemtob

Leonard Shemtob is President of Strong Supplements and a published author. Leonard has been in the supplement space for over 20 years, specializing in fitness supplements and nutrition. Leonard appears on many podcasts, written over 100 articles about supplements and has studied nutrition, supplementation and bodybuilding. 

Leonard's articles have been published in many top publications around the web. Leonard enjoys weight training, playing basketball and yoga, and also enjoys hiking. In his free time he studies and works on improving himself. For more detailed information, visit his official blog.