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​Frank McGrath Bodybuilder: His Journey, Training, and Diet

​Frank McGrath Bodybuilder: His Journey, Training, and Diet

Posted by Leonard Shemtob on Aug 14, 2024

Frank McGrath is a well-known bodybuilder famous for his incredible physique and hard work. His journey from a young athlete to a professional bodybuilder has inspired countless individuals to chase their own health and fitness dreams.

In this article, we will delve into Frank's remarkable story, exploring the challenges he faced and the milestones he achieved along the way. 

Additionally, we will uncover his effective training routines and diet secrets that have contributed to his impressive success in the sport.

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Short Summary

  • Frank McGrath’s Journey: Explore how Frank started his bodybuilding career and his rise to prominence in the fitness world.
  • Training Techniques: Learn about the specific workouts and training methods that helped Frank achieve his impressive physique.
  • Diet Secrets: Discover Frank’s dietary habits and nutrition strategies that contribute to his success.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Understand the obstacles Frank faced and how he overcame them to reach his goals.
  • Looking for the best bodybuilding supplement? Check out our top pick,
    Androvar™, to support your fitness journey.

Who is Frank Mcgrath (Bodybuilder)?

  • Frank McGrath: Canadian bodybuilder and model
  • Born: August 9, 1978 (age 45)
  • Height: 5 ft 11 in (1.801 m)
  • Weight: (In Season) 235 – 255 lb, (Off-Season) 300 lb
  • Notable Association: Face of ANIMAL fitness brand (2003 - 2018)
  • Career Highlight: Earned Pro Card in 2003 at age 25
  • Early Inspiration: Inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Setback: Recovered from a car accident to compete professionally again

Frank McGrath is a renowned Canadian IFBB professional bodybuilder born on August 9, 1978, in St. John's, Newfoundland. From a young age, he displayed a strong passion for fitness and bodybuilding. Despite growing up in a small town with limited access to gyms and training facilities, McGrath's dedication to the sport never wavered.

McGrath began competing in local bodybuilding competitions at the age of 22 and quickly gained recognition for his impressive physique. His hard work and perseverance paid off when he won his first major competition. Since then, McGrath has participated in numerous bodybuilding competitions, including the Superheavyweight and overall CBBF Canada.

At 5'11" (180 cm) tall, Frank McGrath's competition weight typically ranges from 235 to 255 pounds. His impressive physical attributes and dedication to the sport have made him a prominent figure in the bodybuilding world.

Frank McGrath's Early Life

Frank McGrath was born and raised in Newfoundland, Canada. As a kid, he was small and struggled with sports. He loved watching superhero movies and dreamed of being as strong as the characters on screen.

Discovering Bodybuilding

In his pre-teens, Frank wanted to find real-life heroes. He began following famous bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger, who represented everything he aspired to be. 

Newfoundland, despite being a small province, had a rich tradition of bodybuilding and strength competitions. Inspired by this, Frank started training as a teenager, aiming to build a physique similar to Arnold’s.

Early Competitions and Success

Frank quickly immersed himself in bodybuilding, learning about nutrition and soaking up training tips from his peers. His hard work paid off when he competed in the Newfoundland Championships in 2000. 

He won the heavyweight category and took home the overall trophy. This victory qualified him for the Canadian Championships in 2001 and 2003.

In 2001, he placed 6th, but in 2003, he achieved 1st place and won the overall title at the CBBF Canadian Championships. He dominated this contest, winning his category with just the first call-out after only seven weeks of preparation. 

That same year, McGrath secured a sponsorship with Universal Nutrition, becoming the face of their new ANIMAL brand. His appearance in major magazines like Muscle and Fitness, Flex, Men's Health, Men's Fitness, and Sports Illustrated turned him into one of the most recognizable bodybuilders of the 2000s and 2010s, despite inconsistent competition results.

Challenges and Setbacks

Frank’s professional career started with mixed results. His first major competition, the Toronto Pro Invitational, ended in 12th place. Progress was interrupted in 2008 when he severely tore his tricep just before the Arnold Classic, forcing him to sit out of competitions for a year.

Just two years later, a serious car accident nearly ended his life. The challenges didn’t end there. In 2010, Frank was in a serious car crash where his car was hit by another vehicle. 

He spent over a month in the hospital, had his spleen removed, and suffered severe injuries including a collapsed lung and extensive damage to his arm and shoulder. Despite these challenges, he remained determined to continue his career.

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Comeback and Continued Success

After recovering from his injuries, Frank worked harder than ever. In 2011, he earned 3rd place at the IFBB Tampa Bay Pro Open and competed in Mr. Olympia. Although he didn’t place highly at Mr. Olympia, he was thrilled with his performance and his return to professional competitions.

Competition History

  • 2000: Newfoundland Championships – 1st in Heavyweight & Overall
  • 2001: Canadian Championships – 6th in Superheavyweight
  • 2003: Canadian Championships – 1st in Superheavyweight & Overall
  • 2004: Toronto Pro Invitational – 12th place
  • 2009: IFBB Tampa Bay Pro Open – 9th place
  • 2011:
    • IFBB Tampa Bay Pro Open – 3rd place
    • IFBB Toronto Pro Invitational Open – 4th place
    • IFBB Olympia – 16th place
    • IFBB Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships – 3rd place
  • 2013: IFBB Toronto Pro Supershow – 4th place
  • 2015: IFBB Ferrigno Legacy – 6th place

Frank McGrath's Training Regime

frank mcgrath training

Frank McGrath is renowned for his intense and dedicated training approach. His workouts are built around compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously. He prioritizes heavy lifting to build a solid foundation of strength and muscle mass.

A typical McGrath training split involves working on each muscle group at least once a week. His routine includes a mix of high-repetition sets for muscle endurance and low-repetition sets for power and strength. He also incorporates isolation exercises to target specific muscle areas for refinement.

Rest and recovery are crucial components of McGrath's training philosophy. He emphasizes the importance of adequate sleep and proper nutrition to optimize muscle growth and prevent overtraining.

Frank McGrath’s Diet

Frank McGrath follows a balanced and nutritious diet that supports his intense training and bodybuilding goals. He emphasizes the importance of meeting his macronutrient needs while enjoying a variety of foods.

Frank McGrath starts his day with a hearty and nutritious breakfast. When visiting Philadelphia, he enjoyed a meal of poached eggs, pancakes, breakfast meats, and orange juice. This sets a positive tone for his day.

After workouts, Frank occasionally treats himself to a meal out. During the off-season, he indulges in a variety of foods as long as they meet his macronutrient requirements. This could include anything from a large burger to a meat-filled omelet.

When he's not dining out, Frank meets his macronutrient and caloric needs by cooking a lot of his own meals. He loves to cook and often shares his favorite recipes with fans via social media. One of Frank's favorite recipes is for protein brownies, which include eggs, bananas, applesauce, chocolate chips, and chocolate whey protein.

Frank also enjoys adding protein powder to traditional recipes to create healthier versions of treats. He believes that if something tastes like junk food but is very healthy, it's the best of both worlds. One of Frank’s favorite cheat meals is fried chicken from Mary Brown’s, a restaurant in Canada. He has been enjoying this dish since childhood and finds it consistently satisfying.

Top Hormonal Supplements for Bodybuilding

1- Androvar™ by Hard Rock Supplements

Androvar™ by Hard Rock Supplements

Androvar™ by Hard Rock Supplements is formulated to enhance muscle growth and strength. It contains Epiandrosterone, which converts to Stanolone in the body. Stanolone is more potent than testosterone, aiming to provide lean, hard muscle gains. 

Epiandrosterone does not convert to estrogen; instead, it helps decrease estrogen, which can help reduce body fat, water weight, and the risk of gynecomastia. It also promotes increased muscle density and strength, leading to fuller and more solid muscles.

Key Benefits

  • It helps increase lean mass.
  • It boosts your strength.
  • It improves intensity during workouts.
  • It increases fat burning.
  • It helps improve muscle definition.
  • It helps reduce water retention.
  • It enhances vascularity.
  • It helps in enhancing muscle hardness.
  • It helps improve the sense of well-being.
  • It helps increase muscle pumps.
  • It helps increase protein synthesis.

Key Ingredients

Customer Reviews

 Great so far

“Have been on Androvar for two weeks. So far the results have been as advertised. Gym sessions are intense, libido is through the roof. Very excited to see what the next 4 weeks have in store. Definitely recommend.”



“Love it great product I started feeling stronger in the third week getting more tone no side effect great product love it I will recommend it !”



“love this product saw results strength went through the roof amazing!”


2- Super Mandro by Hard Rock Supplements

Super Mandro by Hard Rock Supplements

Super Mandro by Hard Rock Supplements is formulated to increase lean muscle mass effectively. It is up to 7 times more anabolic than natural testosterone, focusing on lean muscle without adding water weight. 

The main ingredient converts into a compound that promotes lean muscle growth, being highly effective without the need for high doses. The Liposomal Stealth Delivery System in this formula helps protect the compound during digestion, ensuring its effectiveness is maintained.

Key Benefits

  • It improves lean muscle mass.
  • It helps enhance muscle hardness.
  • It boosts your strength.
  • It helps improve muscle definition.
  • It increases your muscle pumps.
  • It helps improve your focus.
  • It increases protein synthesis.

Key Ingredients

  • 3-beta-hydroxy-5-alpha-androst-1-en-17-one

Customer Reviews


“I'm on my 2nd cycle with supermandro and R andro. Doing 3 tabs each per day for 3 weeks and going to up the dose to 4 tabs for 4 weeks after that. So far I'm at the end of my 2nd week and gained 6lbs and I'm leaner. Went from 187 to 193. Added strength too”


 10 out of 5!

“Honestly, I would give this a 10 out of 5 if I could. Ran my 2nd cycle for 12 weeks (a little ballsy) and absolutely loved it! Gained a good 10 lbs of lean mass and didnt experience any side effects. The cycle was very solid for the most part (no shut down, no acne, nothing negative that was noticed)”

-Alex M.

 12 lbs in 4 weeks

“Built a lot of mass. Gained about 12 lbs in 4 weeks without experiencing any side effects. All of my major compound lifts improved and strength went up dramatically. Liked my first cycle so much that I plan on running it again this year for the 2nd time.”

-Anthony C.

3- Anabolic Trinity by Hard Rock Supplements

Anabolic Trinity by Hard Rock Supplements

Anabolic Trinity by Hard Rock Supplements features three effective anabolic ingredients: Androsterone, Epiandro, and Laxogenin. This supplement aims to enhance strength, build lean muscle mass, and reduce stubborn fat. It’s crafted to boost muscle definition and improve your physique.

Key Benefits

  • It helps enhance lean muscle mass.
  • It supports increased muscle hardness.
  • It helps reduce body fat.
  • It supports increased strength.
  • It helps reduce water retention.
  • It helps increase muscle definition.

Key Ingredients

  • Epiandrosterone
  • Laxogenin
  • Androsterone
  • Agmatine Sulfate
  • Bergamottin

Customer Reviews


“After all the hardcore supplements ive taken i thought this was going to be a joke but wow. im 3 weeks in and noticed about 10lbs, increased endurance and increases in strength 5 pills a day is the sweet spot for me.”


 It was decent

“Took this in the summer of 2016. It really helped me in losing fat while gaining some strength back. Probably gained 10-15 pounds of strength while losing 3-6 pounds and getting leaner.”


 great product

“Feel awesome. Strength and pumps are great on this”


Top Natural Supplements for Bodybuilding

1- AnaFuse by Vital Alchemy

AnaFuse by Vital Alchemy

Anafuse is a muscle-building supplement designed to support muscle growth and retention. Anafuse combines several recently discovered anabolic compounds to enhance muscle-building potential. 

This formula is intended to provide the necessary elements for adding lean muscle mass while minimizing the risk of unwanted side effects. The supplement includes a blend of ingredients that work together to support muscle growth, offering a comprehensive approach to building muscle.

Key Benefits

  • It improves your mass gains.
  • It reduces your body fat.
  • It boosts your muscle hardness.
  • It increases muscle endurance.
  • It improves your pumps.
  • It boosts your strength.
  • It reduces muscle soreness.
  • It accelerates your muscle recovery.

Key Ingredients

  • Epicatechin
  • Ajuga Turkestanica
  • HICA
  • Eriobotrya Japonica
  • Vitamin D3
  • Quercetin

Customer Reviews

 Believe the hype

“Not much I can add to all the other great reviews here, would definitely recommend getting 2 bottles though! 5 weeks in and I'm REALLY feeling the difference”


 Great product

“I have had great results using this. My arms have had considerable ******.”


 Good Product

“Just finished my second bottle, started at 225lbs, and am now currently at 231lbs. I do believe that this product works well, as long as you eat the right amount of calories. You can't eat 1000 calories a day and expect to put on mass. Eat right, take Anafuse, get results.”


2- AlphaBulk by Olympus Labs

AlphaBulk by Olympus Labs

AlphaBulk features α-Cedrene, a unique anabolic agent shown to increase muscle mass and strength while aiding in fat loss. It also features α-Ionone in its most effective liquid form to promote muscle protein synthesis, reduce muscle breakdown, and assist in fat metabolism. The supplement uses advanced Liquigel capsules to improve delivery and effectiveness. This technology aims to provide optimal benefits from the supplement.

Key Benefits

  • It enhances anabolic signaling.
  • It increases lean muscle growth.
  • It helps increase your strength.
  • It improves myogenesis.
  • It boosts your lipolysis.
  • It enhances exercise performance.
  • It speeds up your muscle recovery.

Key Ingredients

  • α-Cedrene
  • α-Ionone
  • Tectochrysin PhytoFUSE
  • Urolithin B

Customer Reviews

 Alpha Bulk

“I recently purchased Alpha Bulk two weeks ago and all I can say is WOW!!!! The only up downside about the pills are the taste, I’m taking 3 pills daily on an empty stomach. I like to train that way. They give me more endurance and can get out an extra rep or two before failure. No size yet, I’m only two weeks in. I ordered 2 bottles to run so I’m hoping to get a bit vascular full size.”

-LaMichael W.

 Quality supplement

“I’m using this a in my pct and it’s been 3 weeks and I haven’t lost any weight.”


 Stellar Pumps and Vascularity!

“About 3 weeks in and man the pumps in the gym are incredible. Feel like Alphabulk really is starting to bring out my physique. Noticing it feels better when I am in a caloric surplus. Also I am just now seeing the strength increases. Each week the weight and reps are going up on my bench and squat. Excited to see how 8 weeks treats me.”

-Tony H.

3- Colossal Muscle by Rock Hard Supplements

Colossal Muscle by Hard Rock Supplements

Colossal Muscle is a supplement designed to support muscle growth and strength. It features two key ingredients, one of which was tested in a 10-week study showing notable increases in muscle mass and strength.

This supplement aims to help users build muscle, enhance strength, improve endurance, and support protein synthesis. It combines these ingredients in specific doses to provide a comprehensive approach to muscle development.

Key Benefits

  • It promotes muscle building.
  • It improves protein synthesis.
  • It enhances muscle mass.
  • It boosts endurance.
  • It supports your strength and power.
  • It enhances fat loss.
  • It prevents muscle breakdown.
  • It helps boost your focus.
  • It helps improve your overall performance.

Key ingredients

  • 20-Hydroxyecdysone
  • Uzbekistan Ajuga Turkestanica

Customer Reviews

 On second bottle

“First bottle was great - took a little to see the resutlts but then they hit and you are like yes im loving it! just started my second bottle - thanks!”



“This hard rock product is awesome. My strength increased rapidly and extreme pumps during the sessions. ********** muscle gain!”


 Quality product

“So i have almost finished my first bottle of this stuff and I can honestly say that it does work. I have noticed some size increase but what I have definitely noticed the most is strength increase. I recommend this product and I will definitely be using it again.”


FAQs: Frank Mcgrath Bodybuilder

Q: What is Frank McGrath's height?

A: Frank McGrath stands at 5 feet 11 inches (180 cm) tall.

Q: What injuries has Frank McGrath faced in his career?

A: Frank has faced several injuries, including a torn triceps tendon sustained while training and serious injuries from a car accident in 2010. Despite these setbacks, he has shown remarkable resilience and has continued to compete.

Q: Is Frank McGrath married?

A: Yes, Frank McGrath is married to Marissa Rivero.

Q: What is Frank McGrath's age?

A: Frank McGrath was born on August 9, 1978, which makes him 45 years old as of 2024.

Q: Has Frank McGrath won the Mr. Olympia title?

A: No, Frank McGrath has not won the Mr. Olympia title.

Q: What notable achievements does Frank McGrath have in bodybuilding?

A: Frank McGrath's notable achievements include winning the 2000 Newfoundland Championships, placing 1st in the 2003 Canadian Championships, and earning 3rd place at the 2011 IFBB Tampa Bay Pro Open.

Q: What is Frank McGrath's net worth?

A: Frank McGrath's net worth is estimated to be around $1 million, though exact figures can vary.

Q: Does Frank McGrath have social media?

A: Yes, Frank McGrath is active on social media platforms. He has an Instagram account, a YouTube channel, and a Facebook page where he shares updates about his personal views, training routines, and bodybuilding insights.


Frank McGrath’s journey in bodybuilding is truly inspiring. From his early days in Newfoundland to becoming a well-known name in the bodybuilding world, his dedication and hard work are evident. 

His impressive achievements, like winning the Newfoundland and Canadian Championships, showcase his commitment to the sport.

McGrath’s training and diet are key parts of his success. His rigorous workouts and a balanced diet help him maintain his physique and performance. 

Despite facing challenges like injuries and setbacks, he continues to push forward and compete at a high level. His story is a testament to the belief that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.

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Image Credits:

Written and Sponsored by Leonard Shemtob

Leonard Shemtob is President of Strong Supplements and a published author. Leonard has been in the supplement space for over 20 years, specializing in fitness supplements and nutrition. Leonard appears on many podcasts, written over 100 articles about supplements and has studied nutrition, supplementation and bodybuilding. 

Leonard's articles have been published in many top publications around the web. Leonard enjoys weight training, playing basketball and yoga, and also enjoys hiking. In his free time he studies and works on improving himself. For more detailed information, visit his official blog.