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Gains Candy™ Ripfactor - Increase Muscle Strength & Size by Alpha Lion

  • Description
    Increase Muscle Strength & Size, Increase N.O and workout longer with Gains Candy RipFactor by Alpha Lion Supplements Now!

    GAINS CANDY™ RipFactor by Alpha Lion Supplements

    What if there was a single ingredient that could do it all? Would you try it? Gains Candy RipFactor by Alpha Lion Supplements promises to be that rare gem. This powerhouse enhances protein synthesis and muscle growth, activates mTOR *(regulator of skeletal muscle mass), increased blood flow and energy as well as inhibited muscle degradation and muscle breakdown. RipFactor utilizes multiple pathways to enhance muscle growth, strength and endurance. 

    A Study in June 2019 involving the unique combination of ingredients in RipFACTOR® provided a significant improvement in muscle endurance and strength beginning at day 14 with the numbers increasing there on. By day 56, participants saw up to 4X greater improvement in muscle size compared to the placebo group.


    Key Benefits: 

    • Improve Body Strength
    • Increase Muscle Size
    • Increase Muscle Endurance
    • Train Longer
    • Increase Nitric Oxide
    • Works In As Little As 14 Days


    Key Ingredient:

    RipFACTOR®: A synergistic blend of extracts from two well-known botanicals from the Ayurvedic medicine tradition. 100% natural, the development of this complex involved screening over 2,000 botanicals for their ability to promote optimal strength, endurance, and muscle gains. It contains two powerful extracts; 

    Sphaeranthus indicus
    Flower Heads

    A traditional Ayurvedic botanical from East Indian Globe Thistle, the flowerheads of this plant have been used to rejuvenate, increase physical performance, longevity and muscle growth. 

    Mangifera indica
    Tree Bark

    The mango tree was domesticated in India over 4,000 years ago. The bark of the tree has medicinal uses reported across the regions where it grows, including antioxidant, anti- inflammatory and vasodilation.


    Gains Candy RipFactor by Alpha Lion Supplements




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  • Supplement Facts Panel
    Gains Candy™ Ripfactor - Increase Muscle Strength & Size by Alpha Lion Ingredients

    Gains Candy™ Ripfactor - Increase Muscle Strength & Size by Alpha Lion - Supplement Facts

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.

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