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Inhibit P by Serious Nutrition Solutions

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  • Description
    Inhibit P by SNS is a precision blended Prolactin Control Complex designed to help lower prolactin, increase dopamine, and improve feelings of well-being.

    Inhibit-P by Serious Nutrition Solutions SNS


    Side effects, no one wants them but everyone can get them!


    No one wants to be the butt of a moob joke. NO MAN should ever have to worry about bra sizes. Now you don't !!!


    SNS puts your worries about puffy and sensitive nipples to rest with the ultimate on cycle prolactin protection.


    Inhibit-P by SNS is the most advanced prolactin inhibitor on the market and should be ran with all progestational compounds.


    Excess prolactin and can cause prolactin buildup and results in sensitive nipples, lactation, all the things we don't want as a result of heavy training.

     Inhibit-p at

    Inhibit-P does more than just block and reduce Prolactin! It can boost Test Levels, Improve Libido and Improve your mood.


    Don't put yourself through avoidable side effects! Get Inhibit-P by SNS from! 


    Users report the following benefits:


    -Helps Lower Prolactin Levels

    -Helps Boost Natural Testosterone Levels

    -Promotes Healthy Libido and Sex Drive

    -Relieve Symptoms of Nipple Puffiness or Sensitivity

    -Improves Mood and Sense Well-being


    Key active ingredients in Inhibit-P:


    Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P): this is the bio-active form of Vitamin B6, and is an important co-factor in the synthesis of dopamine which is a prime inhibitor of prolactin release.


    Vitex Agnus Castus: is a berry of the chaste tree. Both the fruit and seeds are known to have many health benefits from properly dosed. Recently scientist examined the compounds of this plant and discovered many of them can reduce prolactin as much as dopamine itself. Additionally, Vitex has also been shown to significantly improve acne conditions. 


    Mucuna Pruriens: Is a bean like plant foun in tropical regions around the world. The bean, seed, and hair all have positive health benefits and used to make medicine. Today this ingredient is used for treating hyperprolactinemia. People who have hyperprolactinemia, the blood levels of the prolactin hormone are too high. Mucuna Pruriens can also help reduce joint and muscle pain, by stimulating blood flow throughout the body. Mucauna Pruriens contains L-dopa, which is converted into dopamine in the brain.


    Inhibit-p at


    Warnings: This product is for healthy adults over 18 years of age. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing a baby. Consult with your physician before use if you are taking any medication(s), or suffer from any health condition. Keep stored in a cool, dry place away from children.

    * These statements haven’t been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

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  • Supplement Facts Panel
    Inhibit P by Serious Nutrition Solutions Ingredients

    Inhibit-P by SNS - Supplement Facts

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.

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