10 Things You Can Do To Maximize Your Gains!
So you're about to start your cycle or you just got it going, either way you need to maximize your cycle to get the most strength, size, muscle and results possible. Here are the tips and rules to follow to lower the sides and up the gains throughout your cycle.
1. The importance of On Cycle Support can not be expressed enough. You are putting a harsh compound (a prohormone) into your body and it will have its effects (not good ones). On Cycle Support will assist in protecting you body from this harshness. You will need to help your liver, kidney, blood pressure and prostate. We recommend two of our top sellers that can help in this department:
ProteX On Cycle SupportThe Best Value in On Cycle SupportDoes what it needs to do and offers a great value at it. |
CEL Cycle AssistThe Cadillac of On Cycle SupportCEL's Cycle Assist is packed with a ton of ingredients that you will need during your cycle. More expensive yes, but also more thorough. |
Blockade On Cycle by Assault LabsThe Best On Cycle Money Can BuyThe best ingredients available on the market today have gone into this product. If you are running a serious cycle and you care about your body then this is the only choice. |
2. Your diet is crucial and you will need to change it up to accommodate your prohormone choice as well as your ultimate goal. With all prohormones you will need to up your caloric intake substantially. This goes for during your cycle as well as after during your post cycle as well. Many people do not realize this and as a result lose a good amount of their gains because their body is not receiving enough fuel throughout their cycle and pct. Also if your choice is to bulk then you will need take approximately 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For example if you are 200lbs then you will require 300 grams of protein per day. You can do the math for your own weight. Many people can not eat more than 40 grams of protein in one sitting so split it up accordingly. Also this should go without saying, eat quality and eat clean.
3. Make sure your workouts are appropriate for your ultimate cycle goal. For example if you are trying to bulk up do not do 20 reps of light weights and if your trying to cut don't do 6 reps of the heaviest weight possible. You will need to push your workouts further while on cycle. Your recovery time will decrease significantly when on cycle and you will not need the same amount of time you are used to get back in the gym. Most people who are cycling will go to the gym 5-7 times a week. You should be pushing yourself harder and longer in the gym. Your strength will increase as well so accommodate that in your choice of how much weight to push. Aggresive types of workouts need to continue during the post cycle so you can keep your gains. Work hard and push further than you have before the cycle so when the dust settles you will be truly happy with the results!
4. Are you taking a dry gainer? Then you will need joint support! This is crucial! Your will have achy and super dry joints. Do not let this happen to you. There is an easy fix. Check out our Joint Support section. Joyful Joints is the best, most popular and effective joint care supplement on the market:
5. A Solid Multi-Vitamin and Fish Oil will greatly assist your body. If you are going to put a prohormone in your body and you are going to push yourself in the gym constantly your going to put a strain on your body! So to off set this you can take a solid Multi Vitamin like Vital Vite, Animal Pak or MyoVite to help you. As far as fish oil is concerned they help with your skin, nails, hair and joints as well as cholesterol levels. All important in your everyday and even more important when cycling. See all the Multi-Vitamins Here.
7. Amino Acids-Your body is experiencing a transformation and to go through it a serious amount of effort on your part is put in. Amino Acids help preserve your muscles by preventing muscle breakdown and will put you and your body in a positive state. If a body lacks the proper amount of amino acids, it will feed of the muscles as a fuel source. You can prevent this by maintaining the proper amino acid levels in your body.
Are you a beast in the gym? Are you pushing yourself hard while you are on your cycle? As a result of your hard workouts your body may be lacking the proper amounts of ZMA needed! Get Vital ZMA and give your body what it needs! ZMA or zinc, magnesium, aspartate is a well known supplement used for years by bodybuilders and powerlifters. ZMA has shown to raise strength levels and support the strenuous workouts which are common amongst bodybuilders. The recommended ZMA's formula also contains Vitamin B6 which helps convert food to energy, helps red blood cells form as well as maintains healthy skin, hair and muscle tone. You don't want your hard work in the gym to negatively affect your gains. Get ZMA and get what your body needs!