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What are the most effective and safest prohormone compounds that a female can use safely?

19-Nor Andro (19-Nor-DHEA) - Can assist in building lean muscle, improving strength, enhancing athletic performance, reducing recovery time needed between sets/exercises/workouts, and boosts IGF-1 which helps in improving nutrient delivery and protein synthesis.


Which Supplement Contains 19-Nor DHEA?

Abnormal by Blackstone Labs

Provides 50 mg of 19-nor andro per tablet and 60 tablets per bottle. Dosed perfectly for women to be able to get some very positive effects while keeping the risks of side effects at bay. Sweet spot dose for most women is about  50 to 100 mg per day. Each bottle provides a 30 day supply. Can be used for up to 60 days followed by a mild post cycle therapy.

What are the doses that females should stick to?

Women should run the lowest effective dose


19-Nor Andro sweet spot dose for women is generally 50 to 100 mg per day depending on tolerance.


Women in fitness


How long can a female run a cycle for?

Due to the risk of virilizing side effects, females should keep their cycles short (4 to 5 weeks max)


What are the potential side effects a woman can experience while running a cycle of prohormones?

Although 19-nor andro does not have high risks of side effects when used by ladies, Virilizing effects such as deepened vocal cords, enlarged clitoris, development of male characteristics (i.e. hair growth on the face, more masculine jawline, etc) can potentially occur when females use compounds that are highly androgenic.


In order to avoid these sorts of side effects, females should stay away from compounds that have high androgenic potency. Prohormones that are low in androgenic potency will be much safer for females to use.


Other side effects can include higher LDL cholesterol, acne, hair loss, depression, and possibly decreased sex drive.


Post Cycle Depression or Mood Swings - can be combated by using 5-HTP, Saint John's Wart, or Valerian Root.


Acne - it is best for females to not use makeup excessively during the course of running a prohormone cycle as this can clog their pores and increase the chance of acne breakouts.


Women who take supplements 

Is on cycle support required for females?

Yes, on cycle support should be used by both males AND females alike in order to reduce the stress on the body and also to help stabilize blood pressure levels. Certain cycle support supplements will also have ingredients to help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL).



Protex by Vital Labs

Is Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) required for women?

Although many will argue over this topic, females, much like males, will also need a PCT in order to help balance their hormones and help rejuvenate their liver after completing a prohormone cycle. In certain cases when women use AAS (anabolics) then they may not require the use of a PCT as long as their cycle did not consist of ORAL compounds. Whether you are male or female, anytime you run a prohormone cycle or cycle of oral anabolic then you will definitely require an over the counter PCT to help you rejuvenate your liver, stabilize blood pressure, and also reduce LDL cholesterol.


Over the counter post cycle therapy supplements such as these would work very well for both females and males who have ran short and/or mild prohormone cycles:


Post Cycle 3x by Vtial Labs


What should females avoid when running a prohormone cycle?


Females using prohormones should avoid:



-thermogenic fat burners

-nitric oxide boosters


-testosterone boosters

-birth control

-other prescription medications that can add stress to the liver or increase blood pressure


Do women need estrogen blockers or aromatase inhibitors when running a cycle or pct?

We do not suggest females using AI’s as this will be equivalent to forcing a female into experiencing menopausal symptoms. The female HPGA is very different from the males HPTA thus requiring a slightly different approach during the post cycle therapy phase.


Pre-Menstrual Cycles and how they are affected when using prohormones:

Women can possibly miss or skip their period during a prohormone cycle, if this happens, there is nothing major to worry about as the menstrual cycle will normalize upon completion of the cycle once their natural hormones reach back to homeostasis.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Prohormones for Women, Information & Cycle Guide | Shop Related Products

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